

Queen’s South Africa Medal 3 Clasps – Cape Colony, Tugela Heights and Relief of Ladysmith to 5456 Corporal P. Strudwick of the Royal West Surrey Regiment (W.I.A. 21.01.1900)

Condition – E.F.

Corporal Percy Strudwick arrived in South Africa with the 2nd Battalion Royal West Surrey Regiment (Queen’s) in November 1899. The Royal West Surrey Regiment was part of Major General H. Hildegard’s 2nd Brigade of the Natal Field Force. The Regiment’s first action was at the Battle of Colenso on 15th December during the Relief of Ladysmith. Casualties for the West Surrey Regiment amounted to 2 officers wounded, 3 men killed and 88 wounded (4 of whom died of wounds the next day).

Following this, the 2nd West Surreys took part in the Battle of Spearman’s Camp on 21st January 1900. Casualties for the Regiment were 5 killed and 36 wounded, including Corporal Percy Strudwick. He was so seriously injured that he was invalided to England.

Corporal Strudwick’s Queen’s South Africa medal was authorized on 17th October 1901 and the medal roll shows his entitlement to the Relief of Ladysmith Clasp. However, the medal carries the clasps for Cape Colony and Tugela Heights as well as Relief of Ladysmith, which appear to have been correctly issued at the time.

The medal is sold with copies of the South Africa medal roll, a page from the Boer War casualty roll, and a Forces War Record page showing entitlement to the Queen’s South Africa medal.

Additional information

Weight 0.05 kg


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